No matter what stage you're at sometimes we need a bit of fitness motivation female's can relate to!
Beginners to fitness can sometimes need a bit of female motivation to push through the difficult times. So often, females are reluctant to start their fitness journey for so many reasons, but that doesn't have to be the case.
Fitness Motivation Female
If you're a beginner to fitness and need some motivation we have gathered our top fitness motivation female tips, fitness motivation female quotes and fitness motivation female videos.
Fitness motivation female videos.
Fitness Motivation Female Tips
Stuck in a rut with your training or need a helping hand starting out. Our top 5 fitness motivation tips for females will help you get to on your right path. We got you!
1. What is stopping you?
It's really useful to try to establish what is preventing you from doing your first workout or getting to the gym. If you're able to outline what your biggest fear or problem is you can use that to create a way to face that fear head on. Alternatively you can ask for some help with that particular thing
2. Start small!
Making any change to your life, big or small is always daunting. But if you can start by making some small changes like swapping out what type of milk you have in your coffee or walking an extra 10 minutes a day, that can help with fitness motivation.
3. Feel good, train good.
There's nothing like a bit of retail therapy! So splash out and invest in some proper fitness clothing and shoes.
Seriously, turning up to the gym in a old baggy t-shirt can sometimes make you feel unconfident in the gym, so buying some new clothes can help you feel good, look good and train reaaally good!
4. Follow a fitness motivation plan.
There are so many fitness plans or programmes out there that can help you keep motivated. Even if it's a 4 week plan, 30 day challenge or hard core 8 week programme, having something to stick to is a great way to keep motivated.
5. Set some goals
I will take this one with a pinch of salt. It's easy to get disheartened if you're not hitting your goals every day so I find setting a goal around how you feel is a great way to keep motivated, instead of a weight based goal.
Alternatively, you can sign up to a race or competition that gives you something to aim for and whatever the outcome, you know you have completed your goal!
Fitness Motivation Female Quotes
Need some inspiration from some of the best females in the fitness world? Here are our top Fitness Motivation Female Quotes:

"A phrase that's stuck with me since 2014: 'Be the best me.' I love competing and I absolutely love a good challenge, but my focus every day is to become a better version of myself. It is to compete against my best potential and as long as I still see room to grow and I love what I do, I want to keep chasing that."
- Katrin Davidsdottir, CrossFit Games Champion
"I wanted to show I could do it on their terms. If I could show them I could lift with correct technique, that's how I would win respect. I let my lifting do the talking."
- Judy Glenney: 4-Time Women's National Weightlifting Champion (1981-84)

"The [Icelandic] saying is somewhat similar to "I can, I will" — I say this to myself over and over again when I need to push myself. During the 'Marathon Row' at last year's Games, I wrote this on my water bottles so that I would have this in my line of sight the whole time."
- Sara Sigmundsdottir, CrossFit Games Athlete
"Strength should be an attribute of all humanity. It's not a gift that belongs solely to the male of the species."
- Jan Todd: First Woman To Deadlift 400 Pounds

"There's nothing wrong with dreaming big, just as long as you understand you need to put in hard work to make things happen. Also, it's key to have the right people around you to help and support you."
- Annie Thorisdottir, CrossFit Games Champion
Fitness Motivation Female Videos
Don't take our word for it, check out these fitness motivation female videos from professional athletes around the world and get motivated for your next workout!
There are some STRONG, EMPOWERED, women out there and we want all of you to be encouraged, motivated and ready to start your fitness journey!