Losing weight quickly and healthily is usually the number one goal of many people starting out on their weight loss journey - too quick and it might be dangerous but too slow and you may lose motivation.

For many losing weight actually means reducing your body fat percentage and if you are fairly lean or muscular, losing weight may not actually be right for you.
The main aim for everyone losing weight should to be healthier and making the right choices meaning that we can live longer and more fulfilled lives.
That being said, if you do want to lose weight fast we've created some top tips and advice to help you be a healthier version of you!
How To Lose Weight Fast
The key to losing weight comes down to a simple equation.
Energy You Consume - Energy You Burn = Energy Left Over
What we mean by this is that the energy you consume i.e. the food you eat or the drinks you drink, take away the energy you burn i.e. the energy needed for your body to live, the energy needed for you to walk around and do activities equals a number of energy left over.
If the energy left over is above 0 i.e. you consume more energy than you burn then that excess energy will be stored in your body (usually in the form of body fat) and if the energy left over is below 0 i.e. you have burned more energy than you consume then your body will take that energy from your energy reserves (again, usually in the form of body fat).

This energy is actually measured in Calories and every food you consume has a number of calories that it contains and every activity you do also burns a certain number of calories.
When it comes to weight loss, the ONLY way you lose weight is by ensuring you burn more calories than you consume so that you are in a calorie deficit.
This means that losing weight comes down to either consuming less calories, burning more calories through activity or both!
Important to note: Please consult a doctor or health professional before deciding to lose weight, it may not be good for your health to do so. A steady and advised weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is recommended for a healthy weight management.
Everyone has different metabolisms (how quickly your body burns energy) which is mainly genetic (ignore the pills or foods that say they do!) so there is no one quick win for everyone.
However there are a few tips that can help you lose weight quickly and safely!
How To Lose Weight Fast With Exercise
Energy burning
Exercise is a great way to lose weight fast not only because you burn energy which increases your energy deficit but also helps you become healthier by increasing your muscle mass, improving your aerobic capacity and helping your heart, lungs and other organs perform better.

Here are our top tips to starting with exercise to see great weight loss results quickly.
Follow A Fitness Or Workout Program
Many people on their weight loss journey will sometimes have 2 weeks of high motivation and energy then can fizzle out and lose motivation. Having a fitness or workout program can help you keep up your motivation and have that end goal as your target.
[ If you're starting out - check out our 4 week strength and conditioning program ]
Start Small
For many, going straight in to running or lifting heavy weights is not going to be the best option. Choose a solution that suits you, that is at your level and maybe consult a fitness professional that can cater activity to your level. If you have a desk job, even getting a standing desk or walking treadmill can help you burn more calories throughout the day.
Have fun!
Working out doesn't have to be a chore! Find an activity or sport that you love and even better that you can do with friends. Activities that burn energy doesn't have to mean out on a sports field either, any activity that gets you moving your body is a step in the right direction.
How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise
Energy burning
If you're looking to lose weight quickly but don't want to get into a full workout routine or take up a new sport, don't worry there are plenty of ways to burn more energy throughout the day without exercise.

Walk More
Probably the simplest and MOST effective method of weight loss for those who don't want to exercise is walking. Whether this is walking to the store, walking around the block, walking on a treadmill or even to work or school, walking is a fantastic was of increasing the amount of energy burned without you realising you're doing so.
Move More
Making small choices and habits, however insignificant they may seem, is a great way to burn more energy throughout the day. This can be as simple as taking the stairs on your way to work or even setting a reminder every hour to get up out of your desk and stretch.
How To Lose Weight Fast With Water
Hydration is actually an incredibly important factor in weight loss and you may find that you could lose weight by drinking more water.

Your body tends to hold on to water if it feels like you need to drink more or that your salt level is too high and your body stores that water.
So actually when you increase the amount of water you drink (it's recommended that adults drink about 8 glasses a day) then your body will become more hydrated and hold on to less water, losing weight.
What to Eat To Lose Weight
Energy consumed
For those (like myself) who don't particularly want to dramatically change what they eat to lose weight fast, there are many simple and easy to maintain options out there to shift fat quickly.

Stop Before You're Full
Portion control is a big part of changing your eating habits by eating the same things but reducing the energy you consume. Going for a smaller portion or stopping before you get full can reduce the energy you consume.
Increasing Protein Intake
Not only does consuming more protein help you be fuller for longer, a protein rich diet can also help you pack on lean muscle, improve cardiometabolic risk factors and bodyweight.
Generally, an average male needs about 56-91 grams per day, and the average female needs 46-75 grams per day, but many factors influence protein needs. Here are guidelines to help you figure out how much protein to eat without eating too much:
0.8g/kg of body weight
1-1.2g/kg of body weight for people 65 and older
1.4-2g/kg of body weight for athletes
Diets with adequate protein may also help you reduce cravings and snacking by helping you feel full and satisfied.
Watch your drinks
Drinking sugary drinks, fruit juice and milky drinks like tea or coffee can add so many extra calories to your diet without you realising it. Try and make some healthier choices with lower energy dense drinks that aren't useful for your body.
Eat whole foods
Whole foods i.e. foods that were once alive, like fruits, vegetables, meats and natural carbohydrates. All tend to be nutrient rich, more filling and will be less processed.
What exercises and sports can help you lose weight fast?
There are many exercise programs and sports that can be effective for losing weight. Here are a few examples:
High-intensity interval training (HIIT): This type of workout involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. HIIT can be done with a variety of exercises, such as running, cycling, or bodyweight exercises. It's a great way to burn calories and boost your metabolism.
Weightlifting: Lifting weights can help you build muscle, which can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories even when you're not working out. It can also help you to maintain muscle mass while losing fat.
Cardio: Cardio exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, or rowing can burn a significant number of calories and are great for weight loss. It's important to choose an activity that you enjoy and can stick to for the long term.
Yoga: Yoga is a great form of exercise for weight loss as it combines physical movement with mindfulness and breath control. It can help you reduce stress, improve flexibility, and build muscle.
Team sports: Team sports such as basketball, soccer, or flag football can be a fun way to lose weight. They offer a combination of cardio and strength training, as well as the added benefit of social interaction and support.
Hiking: Hiking is a great form of exercise for weight loss as it works the legs and core, it also offers the added benefit of being in nature and enjoying the scenery.
It's important to find an exercise program or sport that you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle. The key to successful weight loss is consistency, so it's important to choose an activity that you can stick to for the long term.
Additionally, it's important to remember that weight loss is not just about exercise, it's also important to have a balanced diet and manage stress, rest and recovery. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
Losing Weight Fast Summary
By reducing the amount you consume, watching what you drink and increasing the amount of energy you burn you WILL lose weight fast.
We recommend consulting a health care professional before drastic weight loss but by looking at what goes in and what you burn, you can lose body fat quickly.

Why Losing Weight in a week is dangerous
Losing weight quickly, specifically in a week, can be dangerous for several reasons. So if you're searching for this sort of information we advise you that you take some time to evaluate why and if you're losing weight for health reasons then please seek advice from a healthcare professional. Losing weight too quickly can be dangerous because:
Rapid weight loss can be harmful to your health: Crash diets and other extreme weight loss methods can cause a number of health problems, such as nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, fatigue, and even organ damage. Rapid weight loss can also lead to a cycle of yo-yo dieting, where you lose weight quickly and then gain it back just as quickly.
It is likely not sustainable: Crash diets are not sustainable in the long run, as they are often restrictive and difficult to stick to. Once you stop the diet, it's likely that you will regain the weight you lost, and possibly more.
It may lead to muscle loss: Crash diets often lead to muscle loss as the body is not getting enough nutrients and energy to sustain muscle mass and instead starts breaking down muscle tissue as a source of energy, this can leave you feeling weaker and fatigued.
It may affect your metabolism: Crash diets can slow down your metabolism, as your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts conserving energy to survive. This can make it harder for you to lose weight in the future and increase your risk of weight regain.
It may affect mental health: Crash diets can take a toll on your mental health, as they can be restrictive and difficult to stick to. They can also lead to feelings of frustration, guilt, and a negative body image.
It's important to remember that weight loss should be a gradual and sustainable process. A safe and healthy rate of weight loss is generally considered to be 1-2 pounds per week. This may not sound like much, but it adds up to 52-104 pounds in a year.
To lose weight in a safe and healthy way, it's important to focus on a balanced diet and regular exercise, rather than drastic and extreme measures. It's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before starting a weight loss program.